• Terms and conditions

    Terms and conditions

All content is Copyright © Naturo Pet Products, a division of John Mackle (Moy) Ltd. All product names, trademarks, registered trademarks, service marks, or registered service marks, mentioned on naturopetfoods.com belong to their respective owners.


All brand names, product and service names, titles, and copyrights used in this site are trademarks, trade names, service marks, or copyrights of their respective holders. No permission is given by Naturo Pet Products for their use by any person other than such holders and such use may constitute an infringement of the holders' rights.


All designs, text, graphics, and their selection and arrangement on this website are the copyright of Naturo Pet Products or its content providers. Permission is granted to users to electronically copy or print portions of this site for their own personal, non-commercial use. Any other use of materials on this site without Naturo Pet Products' prior written consent is strictly prohibited.

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Pawsome Perks Terms and Conditions

Data Protection Statement

Any data collected for Pawsome Perks will be used solely by John Mackle (Moy) Ltd. We will always treat your personal information with the utmost care and in accordance with data protection legislation. We will not share any of your data with third parties.

To continually strive to improve our customer's shopping experience we will analyse your purchase history to:

  • Understand our customers’ buying habits to improve our service
  • Contact you with personal and relevant offers and information about products and promotions of interest to you
  • Provide you with information on any benefits you are eligible for as a member of the Pawsome Perks loyalty scheme

You can request for your details to be removed at any time in the following ways:

  • Adjust your marketing preferences within your online account
  • Click the ‘unsubscribe’ link in any email or text communication from us. We will then cease to send any further emails or texts.
  • Respond to the address on postal communications indicating you wish to be removed from future marketing
  • Email us at customercare@naturopetfoods.com
  • Write to our Data Protection Manager at the following registered address: John Mackle (Moy) Ltd, 40 Corrigan Hill Road, Moy, Dungannon, Co. Tyrone, BT71 6SL.

Please see our full privacy policy here https://www.naturopetfoods.com/privacy-policy-cookie-restriction-mode

The Scheme

Pawsome Perks is issued by and remains the property of John Mackle (Moy) Ltd which reserves the right, at any time without notice, to:
(a) terminate the scheme;
(b) decline to issue access to the scheme;
(c) withdraw or cancel the scheme, or to alter or amend the conditions of operation of the loyalty scheme;
(d) Products may be excluded from the scheme at the discretion of John Mackle (Moy) Ltd;

All participants in the loyalty scheme must be a resident in the UK or Ireland and aged 18 years or over. Loyalty is not transferable and can only be used by the person to whom it is registered. Members may be removed from the scheme at any time at the discretion of John Mackle (Moy) Ltd.  The Pawsome Perks loyalty scheme is only for personal and consumer use. Loyalty Points cannot be transferred, sold, pooled or in any way traded. Your online account cannot be used for corporate, business or trade orders.


To collect points for a transaction, you must have an online Account and have opted into the Pawsome Perks loyalty scheme.  Failure to be logged into your online account at the time of the transaction will result in permanent loss of points for that transaction.

Points can be earned on any transaction amount. The following point’s ratios apply:

  • 1 Pawsome Perks point for every £1 spent

Points can be redeemed against purchases online when a total of 250 points are achieved. 250 points has a redemption value of £2.50. Customers can use points for part payment of an order.

John Mackle (Moy) Ltd shall be entitled at any time to cancel points awarded if the relevant products to which such award relates are returned or cancelled for any reason and a refund of the purchase price is given or if the relevant products are exchanged for other products unless such exchange is for products with an equivalent points value. Where the relevant products are exchanged for products of a lower points value John Mackle (Moy) Ltd shall be entitled to cancel the balance of points between those originally collected and those collected in respect of the replacement products.

Subscribe & Save Terms & Conditions

30% off for new, first-time subscription customers only, with a maximum order spend of £250. Existing subscriptions and previously registered subscription customers ae not eligible for this offer.

30% first time subscription orders not available in conjunction with any other offer. Use of any discount code to complete new subscriptions will invalidate 30% off subscription offer.

30% discount not visible in the basket and will be automatically applied on the payment page.

Mackle Pet Foods reserve the right to refuse or cancel orders at our sole discretion. If we do this, you will only be charged for orders that have been shipped to you.

‘Previously registered Subscription Customers’ refers to any combination of:

  • A customer with a previous account at NaturoPets.co.uk or Naturopets.ie, that has previously used our subscription service.
  • A delivery address, that has previously been used for our subscription service.
  • A cardholder address, that previously been used for our subscription service.
  • A household, who has previously made use of the Naturo Pets subscription service.

All of the above do not qualify for this offer.

At our sole discretion, we may restrict orders that do not qualify, for any reason.

We reserve the right to put any user account(s) on hold and prevent outgoing deliveries, where we become aware of, or detect any abuse of the 30% off first time subscription discounted offer.

We reserve the right to deduct reward points earned, from any abuse of this, or any other offer.

30% off first time subscription orders are not available in conjunction with any other offer. Use of any discount code to complete new subscriptions will invalidate 30% off subscription offer.

30% discount is not visible in the basket and will be automatically applied on the payment page.

Promotional Offers

Promotion Offers

Currently, there are no promotional offers available. Please check back soon for upcoming special offers!